Excellence through Academic & Development Endeavors

  SEC Registration No. CN201539886

Call for Paper

6th International Conference in Research, Education, Management, and the Social Sciences (6th ICREMSS – Online and Onsite)

Greetings of peace and health. The Asian Intellect FAOAD Inc. recognizes the change in the academic and research landscape brought about by the pandemic and strives to be an avenue of disseminating research findings conducted during the new normal. We are very much aware that the need for research has never diminished and has become more profound nowadays. Hence, we are committed in organizing an international research conference that will cater to the presentations of papers of committed researchers from the Philippines and abroad.

It is therefore with great honor that we invite you to come or send presenters and participants in the ‘6th International Conference in Research, Education, Management, and the Social Sciences (6th ICREMSS-Online and Onsite)’ – a hybrid conference that will cater to both face-to-face and online presentations. The event shall be held simultaneously via Zoom and at the Crown Legacy Hotel in Baguio City, Philippines on April 15-17, 2023.

The forum has the following objectives:

  • to provide chance for research presentation;
  • to develop collaborations for future projects and to network with other professional researchers;
  • to put together the researchers all over the world for sharing and exchange of research findings; and,
  • to be updated with research cultures that are emerging in other academic communities across the globe.

We are calling to officials, faculty researchers, and students from higher and basic educational institutions, as well as industries to attend and the registration fees are shown below:

Onsite (live -out)
Onsite (live -out)
Presenter P2500 (USD45)
PresenterP2800 (USD55)
Presenter P5500 (USD95)
Presenter P5900 (USD96)
Observer P1000 (USD20)
ObserverP1500  (USD28)
Observer P4500 (USD78)
Observer P4900 (USD79)
2nd & 3rd paper P1800 (USD 30)
2nd & 3rd paper P2000 (USD 36)
2nd & 3rd Paper P3000 (USD 60)
2nd & 3rd Paper P3500 (USD61)

Fees include E-certificate, Scanned official receipt, gift certificate,

and E-copy of the book of abstracts with

ISS Number ISSN 2467-4907

Fees include certificate, official receipt, gift certificate,

and book of abstracts with ISS Number ISSN 2467-4907,

conference bag, ID, kit, and meals

The acceptable topics for the conference may include but are not limited to the following:

  • COVID 19 and New Normal
  • Education and the New Normal
  • Human Resource System
  • Business, Entrepreneurship, and Industry Research
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Psychology and Human Behaviour
  • Environment Research
  • Pedagogy and E-Learning
  • History, Arts, Culture, & Literature
  • Ethical and Animal Science Research
  • Basic and Higher Education
  • Management Issues and Trends
  • Information Science Research
  • General and Physical Education
  • Leadership and Management
  • Mathematics and Engineering
  • Instructional Materials
  • Social Praxis and Political Science
  • Telecommunications and Transportation Research
  • Health Education
  • Government System and Practices
  • Health Science Research
  • Academic Affairs & Administration
  • Sociology and Anthropology
  • Peace, Order and Justice
  • Climate Change and Global Warming
  • Waste Management

Abstracts may be sent to research@asianintellect.org and cc to asianintellectinc@gmail.com with subject matter of ‘ABSTRACT for the 6th ICREMSS’  and please specify if interested to come onsite or attend online.

Deadline is not later than April 5, 2023.

Abstracts should follow the format below:

Microsoft Office Word (Not PDF); Not more than 300 words
Times New Roman Font 12, Single Spaced
Should contain the name of the authors/s; institution; contact numbers and email address
Should contain the ff.: Title; Statement of the Problem/Objectives; Short Methodology; Concise Findings; and; Few recommendations.

Presented papers will have a chance to be published in the Asian Intellect Research and Education Journal, Volume 27, June 2023 issue with ISSN 2467-4885 (Printed) subject to terms and mechanics for journal publication. Journal publication fee is P4500 but optional. The Asian Intellect Journal is an international-refereed journal through a double-blind evaluation process. Evaluators are experts and practitioners in the fields of education and research here and abroad. Our journal is printed but we upload our issues to our website for the possibility of citation opportunities.

We are still waiting for the endorsement of the 6th ICREMSS but the 4th ICREMSS was recognized and endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in its Memorandum from the Chairperson dated October 3, 2019.

For inquiries, confirmation of attendance, or reservation of slots, please contact us at +639603739978 and research@asianintellect.org.

Thank you and we hope to see you soon.